Stevie Nicks, J.K. Rowling, and Twitter Threads

Anybody who knows anything about me, knows that I am a huge fan of Stevie Nicks. I have a poster of her lyrics hanging in my dorm room, been to one of her concerts, and got the lyrics to one of her songs tattooed on my inner bicep. I have been listening to her music for as long as I can remember. My mom plays Stevie Nicks’ music all the time, so I grew up listening to it softly being played through our house’s speaker system. My mom sings to her cassette tapes as she drives and the music has helped connect my mother and me. As I got older, I started to read more about her life and came to know her as more than just a musician that sang beautiful songs. I admire her as writer, who turns her personal pain into poems set to music. She struggled through loss, addiction, and the pressures of fame. She is feminist icon who served as a pioneer for women in rock and roll and has influenced some of toda...